3 ways to save energy through indoor air quality monitoring

March 2023

Buildings and construction account for 40% of the world's energy-relatedCO2 emissions, according to the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction's Global Status Report. Since buildings generate the largest share of global emissions, it is important to make them as sustainable as possible. As we know, it takes a great deal of energy not only to construct a building, but also to operate it. Heating, ventilation and cooling systems account for about half of a building's energy consumption.

U.S. construction sector end-use energy consumption.
U.S. construction sector end-use energy consumption: We spend much of our energy on heating,ventilation and cooling Image: Cleantech.com

Avoiding unnecessary costs in energy consumption not only reduces the company's expenses, but also reduces its carbon footprint. Therefore, it is beneficial for both the business and the environment.

Air quality and energy efficiency

In addition to its impact on people's health and well-being, indoor air quality also plays an important role in the energy efficiency of companies.

Indoor air quality monitoring provides real-time information onCO2 levels, temperature, humidity and other air pollutants. By knowing these levels, companies can take measures to ensure healthy indoor environments and, at the same time, reduce energy consumption:

Optimization of HVAC systems:

Many office buildings still regulate their HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems based on preset schedules and not based on occupancy and therefore actual need. Or even manually. Thus, it is not unusual for the HVAC system to run continuously at its maximum ventilation rate, even if the space is only partially occupied. This often results in excessive ventilation, causing higher energy costs than necessary.

Indoor air quality monitoring can help to optimize the operation of these systems by adjusting ventilation and air conditioning according to the actual needs at any given time. This will not only improve indoor conditions, but can also reduce energy consumption.

Regulating HVAC systems based on air quality can lead to a reduction of up to 21% in energy costs. In that sense, a very efficient solution is to opt for demand-controlled ventilation (DCV) systems, a method of using monitors to evaluate air quality data in real time and adjust the ventilation rate continuously and automatically. Our MICA devices continuously measure the main parameters that condition indoor air quality and can be easily integrated into HVAC systems to ensure efficient ventilation and high levels of health and comfort automatically.


Identification of ventilation problems:

Regular monitoring of indoor air quality can detect the need to upgrade or repair HVAC systems before they begin to fail significantly, helping companies to perform preventive maintenance and ensure proper operation.

For example, detecting elevatedCO2 levels on a continuous basis can indicate that the ventilation system is not working properly. Not only can this be detrimental to the health and performance of those occupying the building, but it can also cause the HVAC system to operate inefficiently and waste energy. Indoor air monitoring allows for the identification and resolution of these problems, resulting in cost and energy savings.

3. Increased service life of air conditioning equipment and systems:

The optimization of HVAC systems and their preventive maintenance through air quality monitoring will help avoid premature damage and lead to less wear and tear on the systems. The life of the equipment will be longer by working only when necessary, which contributes to a reduction in energy consumption and will also lead to long-term financial savings for the company.

In conclusion, indoor air quality monitoring can contribute significantly to a company's energy efficiency and profitability. By detecting ventilation problems and adjusting ventilation and air conditioning according to the real needs of the building, we avoid wasting energy, while promoting the health and comfort of the people who work or spend time in the building. In this way we can achieve healthier, more comfortable and efficient indoor spaces, with a positive impact on people, business and the planet.

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