The Importance of Indoor Air Quality for Business Success

January 2024

In an increasingly competitive labor market, where health and wellness awareness has reached unprecedented relevance, investing in indoor air quality (IAQ) in the workplace is not only an ethical decision, but also a smart strategy for business success.

Increasing Well-Being and Productivity

Knowledge of IAQ parameters is a central tenet of achieving workplace wellness. This is largely due to the devastating consequences that poor air quality can have on health, but also because of staff concerns about the air. For example, a recent study of office workers reported that 74% of participants were anxious about their workplace IAQ, with almost half describing themselves as"extremely worried."

Failure to address indoor air quality can also result in a number of symptoms collectively referred to as "Sick Building Syndrome," including headaches, skin rashes, sinus problems and difficulty concentrating, all of which are detrimental to workplace well-being.

At the same time, poor IAQ hinders cognitive functions and makes it difficult for workers to focus on tasks, think creatively, make decisions and solve problems, which also negatively affects productivity and business results. It has been shown that improved ventilation rates can reduce absenteeism by 35% and increase workplace performance by at least 10%.

Implementing a continuous indoor air quality monitoring system allows you to collect information about the air that employees breathe and implement measures to improve it. To do this, it is necessary to have a platform that collects sensor data in the cloud and converts it into useful information for facility managers and building users.

Our digital platform, My inBiot, is easy to use and provides detailed, visual information on the status and evolution of indoor air quality, enabling informed decisions on how to improve air and building efficiency . Not all IAQ devices can connect to an online dashboard, so when choosing, it is important to ensure that it has connectivity to internet and is compatible with digital platforms. With WiFi, NB-IoT, Sigfox and LoRaWAN connectivity options, our MICA devices adapt to the requirements of any project, enabling data tracking and analysis on the My inBiot platform or on third-party platforms via public API. RESET accredited, they feature high precision sensors and lifespan of more than 10 years, combining performance and cost, thus guaranteeing quality in indoor air monitoring.

The Value of a Healthy Environment: Certifications and Talent Loyalty

Surveys and research reveal that while COVID-19 is no longer a priority, indoor air quality still is. Increased awareness and concern for IAQ issues is now an established part of our society.

In this sense, having building certifications focused on wellness and environmental quality can be a key differentiator, both in terms of corporate image and in attracting and retaining talent by aligning with best management practices.

inBiot 's air quality solutions enable valuable certifications such as WELL, LEED or BREEAM, helping companies demonstrate their commitment to the health and wellness of their team. This proactive approach not only attracts candidates who value a good working environment, but also demonstrates a commitment to corporate responsibility and sustainable development.

Our solutions also enable the sharing of air quality data in real time, which promotes company transparency and employee satisfaction . Workers who feel valued and cared for tend to stay with the company in the long term, thus reducing the costs associated with staff turnover and ensuring stability and continuity in the team.

Sustainability and Energy Saving

Indoor air quality monitoring also represents a significant step towards sustainability and energy savings. By optimizing ventilation, heating and cooling according to actual needs, unnecessary energy consumption is reduced, improving operational efficiency and reducing long-term costs.

For this reason, an effective IAQ system must be able to integrate with existing building management systems. Through Modbus RTU (RS485), Modbus TCP (wireless), API and MQTT communication protocols, MICA devices can be integrated with BMS (Building Management System) systems for the regulation of HVAC systems. In this way, it is possible to automate the operation of the equipment to achieve significant energy savings while guaranteeing optimum air quality levels at all times.

In addition, reducing energy consumption contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and meeting environmental sustainability goals. By taking proactive steps to improve indoor air quality, companies are not only investing in the well-being of their employees, they are also demonstrating their commitment to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

Ultimately, improving IAQ is not just a wellness initiative, it is a key strategy that helps attract and retain top talent, improve workforce performance, save energy and position itself as a company that is responsible to people and the environment.

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